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Topics for October
Oct. 24 皇后美智子様、喜寿を迎えられる
     The Empress Michiko marks 77th birthday
Oct. 21 カダフィー死亡
     Gaddafi died of wounds
'Oct. 20 ウォール街を占拠せよ
     'Occupy Wall Street' Movement Gains Size, Support
Oct. 18 世界最大のウイルス見つかる
     World' biggest virus found off Chile
Oct. 14 マラソン中にバス乗車
     Spotted catching a free ride
Oct. 7 世界中から弔辞
     Global tributes pour in after Jobs' death
Oct. 10 緊急時には自転車が決め手
     Bikes keep the wheels of progress rolling
Oct. 6 スティーブ・ジョブ氏逝く
     Steve Jobs passed away
Oct. 3 法廷にマイケルが響く

      Jacson's voice echoes through court as doctor's trial opens

The Empress Michiko marks 77th birthday
 The Empress of Japan celebrated her 77th birthday Thursday. As all members of the Imperial family do, Michiko released a statement where she discussed this year's massive earthquake and tsunami, and getting older.
 I have been blessed with relarively good health until recently. Unpleasant symptoms have started to emerge, perhaps due to advancing age.
 Most of the time, they are the sort I can bear, but the symptoms could worsen and force me to alter or curtail my schedule.
 It pains me to see that whenever this happens, it causes anxiety and concern to the people.
 Although at times both the Emperor and I have to manage the various adversities affecting our bodies, it is also necessary for us to place some burden on our bodies to avoid the precipitous decline of our current fitness.
 All this makes me realize that we are now entering a slightly more uphill age.


Gaddafi died of wounds
 "He (Gaddafi) was also hit in his head," National Transitional Council official Abdel Majid Mlegta told Reuters. "There was a lot of firing against his group and he died."
 Mlegta told Reuters earlier that Gaddafi, who was in his late 60s, was captured and wounded in both legs at dawn on Thursday as he tried to flee in a convoy which NATO warplanes attacked. He said he had been taken away by an ambulance.
 There was no independent confirmation of his remarks.
An anti-Gaddafi fighter said Gaddafi had been found hiding in a hole in the ground and had said "Don't shoot, don't shoot" to the men who grabbed him.

 His capture followed within minutes of the fall of Sirte, a development that extinguished the last significant resistance by forces loyal to the deposed leader.
 The capture of Sirte and the death of Gaddafi means Libya's ruling NTC should now begin the task of forging a new democratic system which it had said it would get under way after the city, built as a showpiece for Gaddafi's rule, had fallen.

'Occupy Wall Street' Movement Gains Size, Support
   One month after the Occupy Wall Street protesters moved into New York City's Zuccotti Park, the movement has spread globally, and gained momentum at home. Inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement, about 100
anti-corporate activists camped out across from the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany. A protest in Rome turned into a riot, leaving torched cars and broken bank windows in its wake. Demonstrators in Tokyo focused on social disparities, unemployment and nuclear power. A march on the American embassy in the Philippines denounced alleged U.S. imperialism and wars of aggression. Similar protests have been held in scores of other cities as far afield as Ljubljana, Slovenia and Melbourne, Australia. 

 Occupy Wall Street media representative Mark Bray says
resistance to multinational corporate influence needs a multinational movement.

 “The problems that we’re facing in all these different countries vary by locality, vary by circumstance," said Mark Bray. "But
the resistance to cuts on social spending, the push for real democracy that gets the voices of working people prioritized over the voices of corporations is something that we share in common.”

 The Occupy movement has no apparent leaders or common message. In Sydney, Australia, for example, about 300 demonstrators
accused the world’s richest one percent of hoarding wealth. In New York, performance artist Benny Zable, an Australian native, blamed that same one percent for environmental pollution.
 “The one percent are the very wealthy, who have become wealthy by creaming off at any cost," said Zable. "There’s no morals behind it. They’ll dig up, they’ll contaminate.”

 On Sunday, President Barack Obama acknowledged the movement by invoking the name of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. Obama spoke in Washington at the dedication of the monument to slain American civil rights leader.
 "If he were alive today, I believe he would remind us that the unemployed worker can rightly challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonizing all who work there," said President Obama.

World' biggest virus found off Chile
 A virus found in the sea off Chile is the biggest in the world, harboring more than 1,000 genes, surprised scientists reported Monday.
 The genome of Megavirus chilensis is 6.5 percent bigger than the DNA code of the previous virus record-holder, Mimivirus, isolated in 2003. Viruses differ from bacteria in that they are usually far smaller and cannot reproduce in their own, needing to penetrate an host cell in which to replicate.

 It was taken from seawater sampled close to the shore of Las Cruces, Chile. Its host organism is unknown.

Spotted catching a free ride
 Rob Sloan was spotted catching a free ride at about the 20-mile (32km) mark of Sunday's Kielder Marathon in Northumberland before jumping off just before the finish, hiding behind a tree and rejoining the race.
 After being confronted by fellow competitors, he initially denied cheating but later owned up.
 Event director Steve Cram told the Sunderland Echo: "Mr Sloan made a mistake and has apologised to us for the confusion it has caused."
 The runner who thought he had finished third said he was stunned to be told he had finished fourth behind Sloan.
  I asked him if he had finished third and he said 'yes'. I then asked him where he had passed me and he said he'd done so after the 15-mile mark, which was impossible because at the point I had opened up a five-minute gap.
Global tributes pour in after Jobs' death
 We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

 The digital age has lost its leading light, but Steve's innovation and creativity will inspire dreamers and thinkers for generations.

 He was a genius of our time who combined art with technology. People hundreds of years from now may equate him to Leonardo da Vinci.

 The way we compute today wouldn't be what it is without Steve Jobs.

 While Apple wasn't the first to come up with smartphones or tablet computers, Jobs was a master at tailoring products to resonate with consumers. He also had such potent marketing magic that people camp out in the streets to be the first to get their hands on Apple's new gadgets.

Bikes keep the wheels of progress rolling
 With the
onslaught of super typhoon No.15 on Sept. 21-22, for the second time in a little over six months Tokyo’s public transport network was snarled by a natural disaster. Several hundreds of thousands of hapless commuters found themselves stranded for hours as Kitaku nanmin( refugees unable to return home). With train runs delayed during the peak rush hour, crowds of commuters flowed out of rail stations, jamming buses and attempting, mostly unsuccessfully to flag down a vacant taxi.
 “This time we were just lucky that flooding in the greater Tokyo area was not more extensive.”  Both the government and private corporations have yet to learn the lessons of March 11, largely leaving the marooned masses to fend for themselves. In action perhaps best described as doronawa-shiki(braiding the rope after the thief has already been caught; i.e., too little, too late.
Steve Jobs passed away

I was lucky ? I found what I loved to do early in life.
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there.
"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right."
for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


Jacson's voice echoes through court as doctor's trial opens
 First, prosecutors showed a photo of Michael Jackson's pale and lifeless body lying on a gurney. Then, they played a recording of his voice, just weeks before his death.
 Slow and slurred, his words echoed Tuesday through a Los Angeles courtroom at the start of the trial of the doctor accused of killing him.

Prosecutors played the audio for the first time during opening statements as they portrayed Dr. Conrad Murray, 58, as an incompetent physician who used a dangerous anesthetic without adequate safegurds and whose neglect left the superstar abandoned as he lay dying.
